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China Real Estate Valuers and Agents Association

China Real Estate Valuers and Agents Association was founded in May 1994.The former name was China Real Estate Valuers Association. In August 2014, change its name to China Real Estate Valuers and Agents Association. The name abbreviate to CREVA. CREVA is composed of voluntary individuals or organizations that have the qualification of Real Estate Values or Land Registration Agent and individuals or organizations who work on the land valuation or land registration. CREVA is a non-profit, national industry self-regulations social organization and registered and established in accordance with the law.
The main purposes of CREVA are: Uniting the Real Estate Values or Registration Agent and individuals or organizations to implement the industry self-regulations management, following the professional ethics and code of conduct and the Real Estate Valuation and Land registration Agent standard professional behavior, improving Real Estate Valuers, Land Registration Agents professional knowledge and upgrade professional skills, protecting employees the independence, objectivity and justice practice, played to the government , society and members of the bridge and the link between the role, protecting the members legal rights, protecting the professional features, position and profit of Real Estate Valuers and Land Registration Agents, promoting the communication of industry, mediation the dispute while practice, protecting the rights and interests of country, enterprise and individuals, serving the socialist market economy.
Services scopes of CREVA are:
1. Enact and implement the Real Estate Valuation and Land Registration Agent's industry professional standards and professional ethics and establish the self-regulation system, therefore formation perfection and effective industry self-regulation management constraint mechanism;
2. Undertaking Real Estate Valuation and Land Registration Agent organizations and individuals professional qualification, in order to Real Estate Valuation and Land Registration Agent resisted way for market access and implement the industry self-regulations management; enact industry development goals and plans, guide the industry development; guide all the people who employed comply with the national law and regulations;
3. Responsible for organize ,manage and contact members, protect members’ legal right, take response and requires for the members, safeguard the industry's interests, increase the position of industry, protect the legally practice right of Real Estate Valuers and Land Registration Agent, on behalf of the members to response the appeal to relevant departments;
4. Organize the research and communication of Real Estate Valuation and Registration Agent theory, method and policy. Establishing Real Estate Valuation and Registration Agent professional technical guidance, providing professional technical supports and information services for the members, carrying out the professional training and examination, providing professional consulting services to the society, enhancing the overall technical level and comprehensive service abilities of the industry;
5. According to the national Real Estate Valuers qualification examination committee's arrangements and requirements, organize and implement the Real Estate Valuers qualification examination and practical work. To assists the competent department to organize and implement of the national Land Registration Agent qualification examination;
6. Coordinate with the competent departments to evaluate Real Estate valuers and organizations, supervise and inspect the registration agents and organizations professional qualities. According to the relevant procedures, take the penalty to the members including individuals and organizations who violate the professional code of ethics and professional standards;
7. Accept conciliation and judgment of the disputation during Real Estate Valuation and Registration service activities;
8. Establish Real Estate Valuers and organizations, Land Registration Agents and organizations credit rating files;
9. Edit and issue Real Estate Value and Land Registration Agent's journals and materials. Build the coordination, exchanging and publicity relationship with related domestic and international organizations, coordinate and publicity works;
10. Establish communication and cooperation platform, coordinate relevant individual and organization members to involving the whole industry self-regulations.
11. Accept other works which from competent departments.
CREVA has gone through five councils.The president, executive vice president, secretary-general of the first council were: Xianjin Wang, Kewei Ma, Yu, Zhang. The president, executive vice president, secretary-general of the second council were Wenjia Liu, Hongyi Xiang, Hairong Qin. The president, executive vice president, vice president and secretary-general of the third council were Xinshe Lu, Cunzhi Hu, Yubei Yang; The first president, the second president, vice president, secretary-general of the fourth council were: Xinshe Lu, Cunzhi Hu, Yonglin Liao, JunWang. The president of the fifth council is Jun Wang.

CREVA has several special committees: Professional planning committee, Examination committee, Education committee, Membership and Credit Rating committee, Technical and Standard committee, Financial administration committee, Real Estate Registration committe, Academic committe and Infomation Teqnique committe.
CREVA secretariat consists of nine departments, Administration Department, General Office, Financial Department, Exam Services Department, Continuing Education and Traning Department, Valuation and Advisory Services Department, Credit Evaluation Department and Legal Department.



協會地址:北京市海淀區大柳樹路17號富海國際港1506 | 郵編:100081 | 傳真:(010)66562319 | 京ICP備06025283號-1
